hands holding mugs

Discovering that your child is grappling with addiction is devastating. It can be challenging to address an adult son or daughter about their problems with substance abuse.

You might feel unable to assist them, as they are now at an age when they make their own choices, or you might believe disciplining them is a waste of time. However, these doubts don’t lessen your innate parental instinct to protect your child when you perceive they are at risk. In fact, you may feel a strong urge to intervene and make things right.

Though there is no cure for addiction, recovery is possible, and your son or daughter can go on to lead a healthy, substance-free life. Your unwavering support can keep them on the right track. It is, however, important that you understand the most effective way to assist your children struggling with addiction.

Here are three strategies to support their recovery and three common mistakes to steer clear of.

What To Do


Set Boundaries and Encourage Open Communication

Discuss with your son or daughter how their actions are affecting everyone. If they behave inappropriately at family events or borrow money from friends or family members, set boundaries such as not giving them money and not allowing them at family functions unless they promise to mend their ways. Setting boundaries is a great way to hold an addict accountable for their actions.

Address the Behavior Instead of the Person

Passing judgment on your child won’t fix strained family relationships. Still, it is entirely appropriate to highlight how their behaviors are impacting you and other family members. When talking to them, focus on your feelings to lessen the likelihood of confrontation. Take the time to listen and try to understand your child’s perspective as well.

Look For Support Services

Spend time with your child to explore various treatment programs and identify the options that best align with their specific needs. Your child may want to opt for a medical detox designed to cleanse the body, followed by a drug rehabilitation program to deal with any underlying mental or emotional issues.

If you are looking for help with alcohol recovery near Santa Rosa, Then reach out to the experts at Life-Rock. Our team can offer advice and sober living home options to help you or your loved ones through addiction.

What Not To Do

Do Not Enable Them

There is a difference between helping your child and inadvertently enabling them. You might be afraid that your child will be judged by others and may want to cover up their behavior. This will only reinforce the idea that they don’t need assistance, and your son/daughter may delay seeking help.

Do Not Berate Them

Drugs and alcohol are potent substances that can take control of the brain, profoundly affecting personality and behavior. Understand that your child’s addiction is probably making them feel helpless. Shaming them for their choices can cause them to isolate themselves.

Do Not Lend Them Money

If you continue to give financial support to your child, they may become dependent on you and lose the motivation to overcome addiction. Without a consistent source of income, they are more likely to evaluate their actions and make strides toward recovery.

Life-Rock is committed to helping recovering addicts rebuild their lives. Our addiction recovery program is designed to help people grappling with addiction connect with their inner selves. Give us a Call today at 707 575 9100 (men’s helpline) or 707 575 9599 (women’s helpline).