Unfortunately, it’s common for recovering addicts to have episodes of cravings which threaten their journey to remain sober. Overcoming drug and alcohol cravings is difficult, not impossible.
Here are some tips from Life-Rock, a sober living environment near you, to overcome unhealthy cravings.
Distract Yourself
Thankfully, craving episodes do not last forever. A typical episode does not last more than 10-15 minutes. When you experience a craving, try to redirect your thoughts and distract your mind. Go on a walk, cook, catch up with an old friend, watch your favorite show, or do anything else that keeps your mind occupied.
If cravings occur too frequently, consider adding exercise to your routine. Exercise has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety symptoms, strengthen will power, and help improve emotional regulation skills.
Avoid Triggers
Try to identify your triggers and come up with a plan to avoid them. For example, if you usually drink every Friday evening with your buddies, make plans in advance with your loved ones to do something else during that time. Go on a dinner date with your partner, work out, or invite your friends over for dinner at your home.
Remove Yourself
Sometimes a situation can trigger a drug/alcohol craving. Some examples include being in a restaurant that serves alcohol, being in the company of a binge drinker, or being around a person who stresses you out. Often the best thing to do in these situations is to leave.
There are several physical and mental health benefits of meditation as it can help promote a sense of calm and inner peace. Meditating regularly is a great way to cultivate positive thoughts. Many types of meditation are structured to help practitioners observe their thoughts and feelings, build good habits, and improve self-control.
Challenge Your Thoughts
Whenever you experience a strong urge to drink or do drugs, challenge your negative thoughts. For example, if a voice in your head says that one drink won’t hurt, tell yourself that one drink can actually hurt as you might be unable to stop yourself after one drink and all your hard work may go down the drain.
At Life-Rock, we go the extra mile to create an environment conducive to recovery. Our staff extend full support to residents. To learn more about our alcohol recovery program near you, call us today! For men’s support, call (707) 575-9100 while women’s support is available at (707) 575-9599.