Completing an addiction recovery program in Sonoma County is just the first step to overcoming addiction. Recovering addicts must stave off cravings to remain sober.
Recovering addicts need strength and motivation to stay on course. Without motivation, a recovering addict is more likely to stay in the same place or relapse. Fortunately, there are several sources of motivation for people battling their inner demons and when working toward rebuilding their lives.
Many people turn to inspire books and movies for motivation, but sometimes even a simple motivational quote can uplift spirits.
We have compiled a few of our favorite motivational quotes on recovery.
“Recovery is Hard. Regret is Harder.”
For a person who has been using regularly for years, turning over a new leaf is never an easy challenge. Once a recovering addict returns home after completing a recovery program, temptations may present themselves.
Resisting these temptations is not easy, but when a recovering addict falls off the wagon the regret that follows can wreak havoc on their mental health. Whenever you have a moment and are grappling with temptation, think about how addiction affects your personal and professional life. Choose to be strong.
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Many people regret the bad choices they have made in their past. They wish they could go back in time and reverse some decisions. Recovering addicts need to stop focusing on the past and instead focus on creating their new future. Instead of regretting their decisions, they must learn from their past and let go in order to start afresh.
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Your mind can be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness. What you think about yourself will determine the outcome of the battle you’re fighting. If you think you can beat addiction, you will find the motivation to stay on course. If not, you’ll find an excuse to go back to your old ways. Your attitude will determine your success or failure.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love…”
Some days are good, some days are bad, and some are terrible! When a person is battling addiction, there might be some days when they struggle to find the motivation they need to achieve their goals. If you are feeling blue, get up, take a hot shower and treat yourself to a hot cup of coffee and take a moment to reflect and be thankful for what you have.
Life-Rock is committed to helping men and women struggling with addiction rebuild their lives. We extend all possible support to recovering addicts in our sober living homes, ensuring they stay on course. Have questions about transitional living? Call us at (707) 575-9100 for men or (707) 575-9599 for women.